
PHYSIOTHERAPY IN INVERNESS    telephone 07742 101222



Carol is a chartered physiotherapist who thoroughly assesses your problem then provides a personalised solution with a hands on approach. Someone who respects your individuality and looks wider than the presenting problem if this is necessary to facilitate your recovery.

Carol, a physiotherapist with almost 40 years experience, combines her core physiotherapy skills with her knowledge of energetic approaches to "whole" or holistic health to provide a tailor made package of care.

Emphasis is on eductaion - understanding your problem from a wider perspective, a variety of self-management techniques, calming and reassuring the body that the 'threat' has passed and it is 'safe' to allow recovery and facilitating that process. 

Carol still offers ACMOS Energy balancing, incorporactes OldPain2Go techniques, and if in person is essential may combine Primal Reflex Release Technique (PRRT) and Integrated Fascial Release (IFR) as part of her range of available therapies.

All of these treatments acknowledge the role of the nervous system in the management of acute and chronic pain. Carol has modified IFR to embody ACMOS information techniques, a deeply relaxing form of treatment involving energy transfer combined with gentle movements to release tensions and holding patterns in the body tissues.

Gentle cranio-fascial techniques allow re-balancing of asymmetry or tension in the head and neck which may influence other areas of pain or restriction.

See www.oldpain2go.com,   www.theprrt.com and www.fascialrelease.com for more information.  


Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council.

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